Re-birthing The Wolfman

Friday Feb. 12 marks the beginning of the Winter Olympics, but for horror fans the release of the much-delayed Wolfman from Universal will determine whether the franchise can be rebooted, and whether star/co-producer Benicio Del Toro's gamble on playing Lawrence Talbot was such a good idea after years of pondering, wishing, and planning.

The good news: Stephen Sommers has nothing to do with the film, so it isn't paced like a crackhead's exercise in attention deficit editing and sonic bombast. Danny Elfman's rejected/restored score is very good, and the production values are quite elegant, but there are flaws in this dream project that may have some longevity in theatres, or will be placed alongside Francis Ford Coppola's earnest but awful messed up Dracula (1992) in video store racks.

For more info, click HERE for the film review.



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